Home Birth Services

Safe Haven Midwifery is no longer accepting clients for prenatal care & home birth. We are still offering virtual well woman visits and prenatal care consults.

midwife home visit doppler fetal heart tones

Prenatal Care.

Care during your pregnancy includes unrushed 30 - 60 minute visits where I complete your health and pregnancy intake and a physical exam. Informed and joint decision making is at the heart of our visits. I will draw lab work, order ultrasounds, and prescribe any needed medications.

We will also have plenty of time to discuss your mental and emotional preparation for labor and welcoming your new baby.

Labor and Birth.

Between 37-42 weeks of your pregnancy, I am available for you 24/7. I provide intermittent monitoring for baby and check your vital signs throughout the entire labor. As part of your birth team, I provide one-on-one labor support.

You are free to move about in the comfort of your home and birth in whatever position feels right! Your birth team can also include anyone and any number you like.

IV fluids, antibiotics, or any other medications are available if needed.

I also keep watch for any deviations from normal. I will facilitate transfer in rare event it is needed.

home birth dad holding newborn baby

Newborn Care.

Certified Nurse-Midwives provide immediate newborn care. I will complete an assessment and get baby’s weight and measurements which I will share with your pediatrician. I can complete the newborn metabolic screening and test your baby’s blood type.

Postpartum Care.

After birth, I stay at your home for the first several hours to make sure you and baby are transitioning well, ensure you have your first meal, and get you tucked in. You both get vital signs and assistance with breastfeeding if needed.

You will have another home visit within 2-3 days and again the following week. I am also available for any needs or concerns until your 6 week check up.

Well Woman Visits


Midwifery care isn’t just about pregnancy and babies! When postpartum visits end, I can provide ongoing support with well woman care to include Pap’s, breast exams, lab work, and referrals to a gynecologist if needed.